The project involved the total removal of the portico with the aim of visually freeing the Capitoline hill and restoring the pre-existing perceptual values. In particular, this drawing illustrated the rebalancing effect that the realization of the project would have had on the skyline of the city seen from the Gianicolo.
These panels are the result of the creative dialogue between AMG and Alberto Giuliani: the painting becomes a stained glass window, like being in a prestigious loft inside a skyscraper overlooking Rome, but which instead of the view of today’s panorama, is like a large car of the time that opens up to the past.
A vanished past, full of nobility, inscribed in the stones and colors of the most beautiful city in the world: but which, having passed, is rewritten by the mastery of the mind and hand, which no photograph would be able to reproduce.
Nor could it give him the depth of time and space that photography has always been precluded from, hidden behind the verisimilitude and transparency of the images.
Alberto Giuliani, architect and professor, was born in Magliano Sabina and lives and works in Rome.
His artistic research over the years has developed following a continuous oscillation between the architectural and the pictorial sign. His work has always had a constant reflection on the history of drawing and representation as a central element of reference.
His design proposals, based on in-depth historical-critical reconnaissance of architecture and ancient urban structure, are linked to the desire to mend, reinterpreting them, some of the unresolved contradictions of historic cities.
The construction of imaginary spaces, carried out through the tools of painting, constitutes, in recent years, a natural evolution of his work, in which real and imaginary perception intertwine and coexist in the same visual field.
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